

Supporting image for Alan

Alan decided to quit smoking when he noticed lots of other people around him were quitting smoking, and he decided it was time to do the same. His reasons for quitting were to gain better health, improve his fitness, live longer, and save money. 

He had gotten himself a vape and managed to reduce his smoking with this. When he saw a Yorkshire Smokefree stall at an event, he knew he wanted to sign up to get the support to quit all together.

Alan had quit smoking before for 6 years after using Zyban, so he knew he could do it again. He says he relapsed previously due to stress, and knows now to find different coping strategies.

Since quitting, Alan is feeling much better in himself. He says his breathing has greatly improved, and he is feeling fitter. He really enjoys doing lots of walking and cycling, so this has been a great incentive to stay smoke free.

Alan says he has found the encouragement from the service beneficial, and also found regular carbon monoxide readings helpful to keep him motivated. Alan says “I’d advise anyone who wants to stop smoking to seek support from a stop smoking service”.