

Supporting image for Elaine

What were your reasons for stopping smoking?
There were a few reasons. My health, to start with, my eye problem that was being made worse by smoking. My GP was always on at me, and my husband was ill. I was fed up with smoking and not being able to afford it.

Have you stopped smoking previously?
I stopped on my own for 7 months and then went back to it. I then realised I’d made a huge mistake by having the first pack of cigarettes, as it set me back on the road of smoking.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?
Yes, I did, because I was determined I was going to be. I realised what a fool I’d been starting again.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit and what did you use?
I used patches and mouth spray with Yorkshire Smokefree Barnsley.

How helpful did you find this?
Absolutely spot on.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke-free?
The advisor, for one thing. Because of her encouragement, and she is just a lovely lady.

Did you visit the Yorkshire Smokefree Client Zone?
No, I just got my head down and that was that.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker?
My hair and clothes don’t smell of nicotine, and neither does the house. It made a difference to my husband, who wasn’t breathing it in anymore. Spare cash helps.

Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?
I can breathe easier and no more wheezy, chesty cough now.

What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?
The fact that you give appointments to suit clients. Free support is a big thing.

Could you give us a quote about your experience of becoming smoke-free that may help others to take the same step?
“The first step is not as scary as you first think. Take that first step.”