

Supporting image for Ian

What were your reasons for stopping smoking?

Heart disease runs in my family. And I don’t want to end up like my parents.

Have you stopped smoking previously?

YES, a few times, I always went back to smoking; this was because I bought the products myself, and I could not afford to pay for them anymore on my own.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

I was 50/50 either way.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit, and what did you use?

Yes, I used the patches and the inhalator,

How helpful did you find this?

Both worked very well. I found the inhalator worked very well for me, and it’s something in my hand and it helped with the cravings.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke-free?

Willpower and wanting to stop smoking.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker / quit?

I like being a nonsmoker now, I loved the fact that for the first time ever, I filled out a form and put that I am a nonsmoker. It felt great.

Has your health improved since you quit, and if so, in what ways?


What have you found helpful whilst accessing the Yorkshire Smokefree service?

Getting help from Yorkshire Smokefree Barnsley and getting weeks of free NRT, not having to go cold turkey.

Could you give us a quote about your experience of becoming smoke-free that may help others to take the same step?

It’s never too late to stop smoking; just ask for help from Yorkshire Smoke Barnsley they were a great support for me.