

Supporting image for Janine

Janine started smoking at the age of 12 because everyone else was doing it then she didn't stop for 35 years. After a lifestyle overhaul, Janine started eating healthily and joined a gym and felt now was the time to stop smoking too.

Janine received the support of a Yorkshire Smokefree Smoking Cessation advisor based in her GP surgery. Here is what Janine had to say…

I never thought I would be that person who would stop smoking and neither did my friends or family but with the support of the advisor based in my GP surgery I have become that person.

I do not believe I would have been successful without the support of Andrea, she gave me the motivation I needed to make the jump to become smoke free, I would not have done it without her.

I feel overwhelmed with how much better I feel since stopping smoking - I can already tell such a big difference. I no longer cough, I’m not out of breath and the extra cash I now have is fantastic: I have decorated the house from top to bottom, booked a holiday and treated myself to shopping trips... in the first 6 weeks of not smoking I saved £647.00!!

I cannot recommend the support of Yorkshire Smokefree and tell everyone I know they should sign up and QUIT too!



If you feel inspired by Janine's story and would like support in quitting smoking, register for a call back at: