
Diabetes Awareness Week

Published at 10 June, 2020 14:03.

Supporting image for Diabetes Awareness Week

Here at Yorkshire Smokefree this Diabetes Awareness Week we’re supporting Diabetes UK and its charitable campaign to improve the knowledge of diabetes and the lives of people living with diabetes. Here’s how you can get involved alongside us. 

Diabetes Awareness Week is an annual event which brings a new key issue back into the public consciousness, to help raise money for life-saving research, encourage community participation, spreading vital messages and overcoming setbacks. This year the onus is on the social hashtag #TheBigPicture, which aims to delve into the everyday lives, challenges and triumphs of patients with diabetes in their own words.

You will be able to print off posters to stick in your windows, cars, or post them onto social media, join their monthly newsletter for the latest fundraising opportunities, and contactlessly donate to the cause. Make noise online, create fundraisers via Skype, Zoom, or Whatsapp, the possibilities to do good are endless. 

Though diabetes can affect people from all walks of life and all ages, it is known that smokers are more at risk than most due to smoking consistently causing cases of Type 2 diabetes. Global research shows that those who regularly smoke cigarettes are 30-40% more likely to develop diabetes than those who abstain, the greater the amount of cigarettes smoked per day the higher the risks become. Another worrying link between smoking and diabetes is that smokers who do not kick the habit once diagnosed face barriers to controlling their disease and coping with insulin dosing. 

Life-threatening issues smokers with diabetes also face (which non-smokers often avoid)  are: 

  • Greater possibility of limb amputation due to lack of normal blood flow 
  • Chance of blindness
  • Nerve damage 
  • Heart disease 
  • Kidney disease

One way to avoid the dangers associated with smoking and diabetes is to quit the habit for good with Yorkshire Smokefree. We have changed thousands of lives just like yours, meaning we can help you achieve your goals whether you want to decrease your risks of ever becoming diabetic or have been diagnosed with diabetes and wish to minimise the chance of complications.

Our service offers round the clock support via telephone, text, face to face meetings, groups, and on our innovative online quit programme. All our expert advisors are friendly and informal throughout your smoke-free journey, drawing up and action plan and providing you with the best guidance and tips to keep you strong in moments of doubt. We use a range of resources, medications and tools so you having all the coping mechanisms you need when cravings strike. 

You can expect to see improvements in your health almost immediately: 


  • After 20 Minutes blood pressure and pulse stabilise
  • Within 1 Hour circulation improves, making your limbs feel warm again
  • 8 Hours later nicotine disappears from the body, powering up circulation further
  • Just 1 Day later your lungs breathe easier, excess carbon monoxide is gone




There are a vast array of benefits you’ll begin to notice over the ensuing days, weeks and months after your official quit date. Do not worry if you slip up, our service sees each setback as a new opportunity to succeed. 

This Diabetes Awareness Week take action and regain control of your health by quitting smoking. You can call our advisors on 0800 612 0011 (free from landlines) or 0330 6601 166, alternatively, get in touch with us for a Callback Request today.