
What is Stoptober?

Published at 05 October, 2020 08:00.

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Did you know one person quits smoking every 80 seconds in England?
You could be one of those people!

Stoptober is a monthly campaign that runs in the month October to promote people to quit smoking. According to science and research, it takes 21 days to break a habit, if you stopped smoking on the 1st of October within the 28 days of Stoptober you could easily break your habit of smoking. With all the additional support being thrown at you in October, you can do it. 

If you are able to quit smoking during stoptober, you are five times more likely to quit smoking completely. 

Stoptober launched in 2012 and entered its seventh year in 2018. Like all campaigns under the current tobacco strategy, the ultimate objective is to motivate smokers to make a quit attempt. Stoptober takes a revolutionary approach, using a powerful combination of consumer insight and behavioural economics to reframe the usual call to action from ‘quit now’ to ‘join the 28-day quitting challenge’. 

Each year the campaign seeks to offer refreshed approaches to generate awareness, interest and engagement among smokers with a message that has now been running for several years. 

Stoptober is a great month to try and quit smoking, as you will receive endless support from the Yorkshire Smokefree team as well as the added support backed from a nationwide campaign. 

Contact us today to talk about quitting smoking and the support we can give to you.
☎️0800 612 0011 (free from landlines) 
📱0330 660 1166 (free from mobiles)
Or request a callback via the website: